;;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
(include "lib/core.scm")
(include "lib/pair.scm")
(include "lib/alist.scm")
(include "lib/string.scm")
(include "lib/frb.scm")
(include "lib/symbol.scm")
(include "lib/io.scm")
(include "parse/lexstep.scm")
(include "lib/lexer.scm")
;; parser tables
(include "parse/t2.scm")
(datatype item
(:t symbol (range) string)
(:nt symbol (range) (list (item)))
(datatype stack
(:elem (item) int (stack))
;; this isn't very modular. yet. I'd like to get a generator-based parse going on here.
;; might even obviate the need for tracking position in the AST. [since lexer position
;; can propagate to the current parse error].
(define (parse path)
(let ((file (file/open-read path))
(token-gen (make-lex-generator file))
(paren-stack (list:nil))
(indents (list:cons 0 (list:nil)))
(start-of-line #t)
(held-token eof-token)
(tok eof-token)
(define get-indent
;; XXX handle or disallow tabs
(token:t 'whitespace str _) -> (string-length str)
;; non-whitespace at the front of a line
(token:t _ _ _) -> 0)
(define (get-top-indent)
(match indents with
() -> 0
(indent . _) -> indent))
(define (next-token0)
;; process (i.e., filter/synthesize) the token stream
(let loop ()
(cond ((not (eq? held-token eof-token))
(set! tok held-token)
(set! held-token eof-token))
(set! tok (token-gen))
;;(print "token-gen: ") (printn tok)
;;(print "next-token loop ") (printn start-of-line)
(if start-of-line
;; in this state we might emit INDENT/DEDENT
(match tok with
(token:t sym val range)
-> (let ((this-indent (get-indent tok))
(top-indent (get-top-indent)))
(set! start-of-line #f)
(set! held-token tok)
(cond ((> this-indent top-indent)
(set! indents (list:cons this-indent indents))
(token:t 'INDENT "" range))
((< this-indent top-indent)
(set! indents (cdr indents))
;; go around again, might be more DEDENT
(set! start-of-line #t)
(token:t 'DEDENT "" range))
;; in the middle of a line somewhere
(match tok with
(token:t 'NEWLINE _ _)
-> (match paren-stack with
() -> (begin (set! start-of-line #t) tok)
_ -> (loop))
(token:t 'whitespace _ _) -> (loop)
(token:t 'comment _ _) -> (loop)
(token:t _ _ _) -> tok
(define (next-token)
(let ((t (next-token0)))
(print-string "next-token: ") (printn t)
(let ((stack (stack:empty)))
(define (get-state)
(match stack with
(stack:empty) -> 0
(stack:elem _ state _) -> state
(define (lookup-action state kind)
(let loop ((l actions[state]))
(match l with
-> (error "missing action?")
(action-list:cons tkind action tl)
-> (if (eq? terminals[tkind] kind)
(loop tl)))))
(define (lookup-goto state nt)
(let loop ((l goto[state]))
(match l with
-> (error "missing goto?")
(goto-list:cons nt0 new-state tl)
-> (if (eq? nt0 nt)
(loop tl)))))
(define (pop-n n)
(let loop ((n n) (result (list:nil)))
(if (= n 0)
(loop (- n 1) (list:cons (pop) result)))))
(define (push item state)
(set! stack (stack:elem item state stack)))
(define (pop)
(match stack with
(stack:elem item _ rest) -> (begin (set! stack rest) item)
(stack:empty) -> (error "stack underflow")))
(define (get-range args)
(let loop ((args args) (l0 -1) (p0 -1) (l1 -1) (p1 -1))
(define test-range
-1 tl (range:t l2 p2 l3 p3) -> (loop tl l2 p2 l3 p3)
_ tl (range:t l2 p2 l3 p3) -> (loop tl l0 p0 l3 p3)
_ tl (range:f) -> (loop tl l0 p0 l1 p1)
(match l0 args with
-1 () -> (range:f)
_ () -> (range:t l0 p0 l1 p1)
_ ((item:t _ r _) . tl) -> (test-range l0 tl r)
_ ((item:nt _ r _) . tl) -> (test-range l0 tl r)
(let loop ((tok (next-token)))
(cond ((eq? tok eof-token) (pop) (pop))
(print-string "token: ") (printn tok)
;;(print-string "state: ") (printn (get-state))
;;(print "indentation: ") (printn indentation)
(vcase token tok
((:t kind val range)
(let ((a (lookup-action (get-state) kind)))
(vcase action a
((:shift state)
(push (item:t kind range val) state)
(loop (next-token)))
((:reduce plen nt)
(let ((args (pop-n plen))
(next-state (lookup-goto (get-state) nt)))
(push (item:nt non-terminals[nt] (get-range args) args) next-state))
(loop tok)))
(define indent
0 -> #t
n -> (begin (print-string " ") (indent (- n 1))))
(define (print-parse-tree t)
(let loop0 ((d 0)
(t t))
(indent d)
(match t with
(item:t sym range str)
-> (begin (print range) (print-string " ") (print sym) (print-string " ") (printn str))
(item:nt sym range items)
-> (begin
(print range)
(print-string " ")
(printn sym)
(let loop1 ((l items))
(match l with
() -> #u
(hd . tl) -> (begin (loop0 (+ d 1) hd) (loop1 tl)))))
;; print a parse tree out in a way that facilitates writing patterns for it.
(define ppt
(item:nt sym range items) -> (begin (print-string "(item:nt ") (print sym) (print-string " ") (ppt-list items) (print-string ")"))
(item:t sym range str) -> (begin (print-string "(item:t ") (print sym) (print-string " \"") (print-string str) (print-string "\")"))
(define (ppt-list l)
(print-string "(")
(ppt-list2 l))
(define ppt-list2
() -> (print-string ")")
(hd . tl) -> (begin (ppt hd) (print-string " ") (ppt-list2 tl))
(datatype formal
(:var string)
;;(:var-with-default string (expr))
(datatype literal
(:int int)
(:string string)
(datatype params
(:literal (literal))
(:varref string)
(:function string (list (formal))) ;; <body>
(:unparsed symbol)
(:for (list (formal)))
(define (perror where x)
(print-string "decode error in ")
(print-string where)
(print-string ": ")
(printn x)
(error "decode error"))
(define p-operator
(item:nt _ _ ((item:t kind _ data))) -> data
(item:t _ _ data) -> data
x -> (perror "p-operator" x))
(define NR (range:f))
(define (make-varref name) {t='varref p=(params:varref name) subs='() range=NR})
(define p-binary-splat
e () -> e
e (op arg (item:nt _ _ splat))
-> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (make-varref (p-operator op)) e (p-binary-splat (p-expr arg) splat)) range=NR}
e x -> (perror "p-binary-splat" x)
(define p-binary
(e (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (p-binary-splat (p-expr e) splat)
x -> (perror "p-binary" x))
(define p-power
(arg0 trailer (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (p-binary-splat (p-trailer-splat (p-expr arg0) trailer) splat)
x -> (perror "p-power" x))
(define p-factor
(unary f) -> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (make-varref (p-operator unary)) (p-expr f)) range=NR}
(power) -> (p-expr power)
x -> (perror "p-factor" x))
(define p-trailer-splat
exp0 (item:nt _ _ ()) -> exp0
exp0 (item:nt _ _ (trailer splat)) -> (p-trailer-splat (p-trailer exp0 trailer) splat)
exp0 x -> (perror "p-trailer-splat" x)
(define __getitem__ {t='varref p=(params:varref "__getitem__") subs='() range=NR})
(define __getattr__ {t='varref p=(params:varref "__getattr__") subs='() range=NR})
(define pass-node {t='pass p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR})
(define (literal-string s r) {t='literal p=(params:literal (literal:string s)) subs='() range=r})
(define p-trailer
exp0 (item:nt _ _ ((item:t 'lparen _ _) arglist _)) -> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(list:cons exp0 (p-arglist arglist)) range=NR}
exp0 (item:nt _ _ ((item:t 'lbracket _ _) exp1 _)) -> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(LIST __getitem__ exp0 (p-expr exp1)) range=NR}
exp0 (item:nt _ _ ((item:t 'dot _ _) (item:t 'NAME nr name))) -> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(LIST __getattr__ exp0 (literal-string name nr)) range=NR}
exp0 x -> (perror "p-trailer" x)
(define p-arglist
(item:nt _ _ ()) -> (list:nil)
_ -> (error "arglist"))
(define (p-formals formals)
(define p-formals0
() -> (list:nil)
(_ (item:t _ _ name) (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (list:cons (formal:var name) (p-formals0 splat))
x -> (perror "p-formals0" x))
(match formals with
(item:nt _ _ ((item:t _ _ name0) (item:nt _ _ splat) _)) -> (list:cons (formal:var name0) (p-formals0 splat))
x -> (perror "p-formals" x)))
(define p-funcdef
;; 'def' NAME '(' <formals> ')' ':' <suite>
(_ (item:t _ _ name) _ (item:nt _ _ (formals)) _ _ (item:nt _ _ body))
-> {t='function p=(params:function name (p-formals formals)) subs=(LIST (p-suite body)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-funcdef" x))
(define p-lambda
(_ (item:nt _ _ (formals)) _ body) -> {t='function p=(params:function "lambda" (p-formals formals)) subs=(LIST (p-expr body)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-lambda" x))
(define sequence
() -> {t='sequence p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR}
(a) -> a
l -> {t='sequence p=(params:none) subs=l range=NR}
(define p-sequence
acc () -> (sequence (reverse acc))
acc (_ item (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (p-sequence (list:cons (p-expr item) acc) splat)
acc x -> (perror "p-sequence" x))
(define p-testlist
(test0 (item:nt _ _ splat) _) -> (p-sequence (LIST (p-expr test0)) splat)
x -> (perror "p-testlist" x))
(define p-simple-stmt
(small (item:nt _ _ splat) _ _) -> (p-sequence (LIST (p-expr small)) splat)
x -> (perror "p-simple-stmt" x))
(define (p-file-input l)
(let loop ((acc (list:nil))
(l l))
(match l with
() -> (sequence acc)
((item:nt _ _ ((item:t 'NEWLINE _ _))) (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (loop acc splat) ;; ignore NEWLINE tokens
((item:nt _ _ (item0)) (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (loop (list:cons (p-expr item0) acc) splat)
x -> (perror "p-file-input" x))
(define p-stmt+
(exp0) -> (LIST (p-expr exp0))
(exp0 (item:nt _ _ plus)) -> (list:cons (p-expr exp0) (p-stmt+ plus))
x -> (perror "p-stmt+" x))
(define p-suite
;; suite: simple_stmt | NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT
(stmt) -> (p-expr stmt)
(_ _ (item:nt _ _ stmts) _) -> (sequence (p-stmt+ stmts))
x -> (perror "p-suite" x))
(define p-return
;; return_stmt: 'return' [testlist]
(_ (item:nt _ _ ())) -> {t='return p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR}
(_ (item:nt _ _ ((item:nt _ _ val)))) -> {t='return p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (p-testlist val)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-return" x))
(define p-raise
;; return_stmt: 'raise' [testlist]
(_ (item:nt _ _ ())) -> {t='raise p=(params:none) subs=(LIST pass-node) range=NR}
(_ (item:nt _ _ ((item:nt _ _ val)))) -> {t='raise p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (p-testlist val)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-raise" x))
(define p-elif-splat
() -> '()
;; ('elif' test ':' suite)*
(_ test _ (item:nt _ _ body) (item:nt _ _ splat)) -> (append (LIST (p-expr test) (p-suite body)) (p-elif-splat splat))
x -> (perror "p-elif-splat" x))
(define p-else
() -> pass-node
(_ _ (item:nt _ _ body)) -> (p-suite body)
x -> (perror "p-else" x))
(define p-if-stmt
;; if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
(_ test _ (item:nt _ _ body) (item:nt _ _ splat) (item:nt _ _ else))
;; urgh, this is a mess. should try to turn it into a ternary-if, or a cond, or something.
;; probably the cleanest way is to pass <else> down to p-elif-splat
-> {t='if p=(params:none) subs=(append (LIST (p-expr test) (p-suite body)) (append (p-elif-splat splat) (LIST (p-else else)))) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-if-stmt" x))
(define p-while-stmt
;; while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
(_ test _ (item:nt _ _ body) (item:nt _ _ else)) -> {t='while p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (p-expr test) (p-suite body) (p-else else)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-while-stmt" x))
(define p-for-stmt
;; for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
(_ (item:nt _ _ vars) _ (item:nt _ _ src) _ (item:nt _ _ body) (item:nt _ _ else))
-> {t='for p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (p-testlist vars) (p-testlist src) (p-suite body) (p-else else)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-for-stmt" x)
(define p-list
() -> (list:nil)
(x . y) -> (list:cons (p-expr x) (p-list y))
(define p-not-test
(a) -> (p-expr a)
(not a) -> {t='call p=(params:none) subs=(LIST (make-varref "not") (p-expr a)) range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-not-test" x)
(define p-one
(a) -> (p-expr a)
x -> (perror "p-one" x))
(define p-simple
((item:t 'break _ _)) -> {t='break p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR}
((item:t 'pass _ _)) -> {t='pass p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR}
((item:t 'continue _ _)) -> {t='continue p=(params:none) subs='() range=NR}
x -> (perror "p-simple" x))
(define (strip-quotes s)
(substring s 1 (- (string-length s) 1)))
(define p-string+
(item:nt _ _ ((item:t _ _ s))) -> (LIST (strip-quotes s))
(item:nt _ _ ((item:t _ _ s) splat)) -> (list:cons (strip-quotes s) (p-string+ splat))
x -> (perror "p-string+" x))
(define p-atom
((item:t 'NUMBER r val)) -> {t='literal subs='() p=(params:literal (literal:int (string->int val))) range=r }
((item:t 'NAME r val)) -> {t='varref subs='() p=(params:varref val) range=r }
(string+) -> {t='literal subs='() p=(params:literal (literal:string (string-append (p-string+ string+)))) range=NR }
x -> (perror "p-atom" x))
(define parse-table
('expr p-binary)
('xor_expr p-binary)
('and_expr p-binary)
('shift_expr p-binary)
('arith_expr p-binary)
('term p-binary)
('comparison p-binary)
('or_test p-binary)
('and_test p-binary)
('factor p-factor)
('power p-power)
('test p-one)
('not_test p-not-test)
('lambdef p-lambda)
('testlist p-testlist)
('exprlist p-testlist)
('expr_stmt p-binary)
('small_stmt p-one)
('simple_stmt p-simple-stmt)
('stmt p-one)
('file_input p-file-input)
('compound_stmt p-one)
('funcdef p-funcdef)
('suite p-suite)
('flow_stmt p-one)
('if_stmt p-if-stmt)
('while_stmt p-while-stmt)
('for_stmt p-for-stmt)
('break_stmt p-simple)
('continue_stmt p-simple)
('pass_stmt p-simple)
('raise_stmt p-raise)
('return_stmt p-return)
('atom p-atom)
(define p-expr
(item:t kind r val) -> {t='unparsed p=(params:unparsed kind) subs=(LIST (literal-string val r)) range=r}
(item:nt kind r val) -> (match (alist/lookup parse-table kind) with
;; not in the table, mark it as unparsed
(maybe:no) -> {t='unparsed p=(params:unparsed kind) subs=(p-list val) range=r}
;; in the table - parse it and attach a range
(maybe:yes fun) -> (let ((n0 (fun val))) (%rset/range n0 r) n0)
(define (pprint-node n d)
;;(print n.range)
;;(print-string "\t")
(indent d)
(print n.t)
(print-string " ")
(printn n.p)
(for-each (lambda (n) (pprint-node n (+ d 1))) n.subs)
(let ((t (if (> sys.argc 1) (parse sys.argv[1]) (parse "tests/parse_2.py"))))
(printn t)
(print-parse-tree t)
(ppt t)
(let ((node (p-expr t)))
(pprint-node node 0)