from PIL import Image import json import sys import os import argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser (description="generate multires pannellum") p.add_argument ('imagefile', help='image file') p.add_argument ('--title', help='image title', required=True) p.add_argument ('--bottom', help='bottom of image is this many degrees up from nadir', default=0) args = p.parse_args() im = (args.imagefile) print im.size # the image needs to be a full sphere, so fill out its size to 2x*x . w, h = im.size x = w/2 im0 = ('RGB', (2 * x, x)) if args.bottom == 0: # default case for quadcopter (which includes the nadir). im0.paste (im, (0, x - h)) else: # the full sweep from nadir to zenith is 180 degrees. # 90 degrees would mean the bottom is at x/2. # 45 degrees is x/4. # top bot # [---XXXXXXXXXXXXX------------] 90: x/2 - h # [-----------XXXXXXXXXXXX-----] 45: x/4 - h m = 180.0 / args.bottom assert x / m - h >= 0 im0.paste (im, (0, x/m - h)) base, ext = os.path.splitext (args.imagefile) path = base + '_sphere' + ext (path) os.system ('python /home/rushing/src/pannellum-2.2.1/utils/multires/ %s' % (path,)) config = json.loads (open ('output/config.json', 'rb').read()) config['multiRes']['path'] = 'output/' + config['multiRes']['path'] config['multiRes']['fallbackPath'] = 'output/' + config['multiRes']['fallbackPath'] config['pitch'] = -20 config['hfov'] = 90 config['autoLoad'] = True config['autoRotate'] = -1 template = """ %s
""" open ('index.html', 'wb').write (template % (args.title, json.dumps (config, sort_keys=True, indent=4)))