Changelog ========= Changes in Pannellum 2.2.1 -------------------------- New Features: - NPM support Improvements: - Set `Accept` header to request images - Ensure `hfov` is a number - Better restriction on yaw range Changes in Pannellum 2.2.0 -------------------------- New Features: - An API has been added instead of just a standalone viewer; the API should be considered experimental at this point and may be subject to change - The `PosePitchDegrees` and `PoseRollDegrees` XMP tags are now supported (used by the Ricoh Theta S) - Optional fade animation for transitioning between scenes using the `sceneFadeDuration` parameter - New `autoRotateStopDelay` parameter that allows the panorama to be rotate for a specific period of time before stopping - Hot spot debug parameter to assist with positioning hot spots (`hotSpotDebug`) - Parameter to disable keyboard zooming (`keyboardZoom`) Improvements: - Much better equirectangular video support using Video.js - High-DPI support - Unified configuration files; tour configuration files can now be used directly with the `config` parameter - Page title is now set to the panorama title in the standalone viewer - Aspect ratio of preview image is now maintained - Fullscreen button is now only shown if fullscreen is allowed - Pointer Events are now supported for touch controls in IE / Edge - Performance improvements - CSS 3D renderer now works with cubemaps - CSS 3D renderer now works in IE 10/11 - Configuration files are now loaded asynchronously (synchronous request are deprecated by most browsers) - Improved keyboard zooming speed - Added checks to avoid browser NPOT cubemap bugs - Better path handling - Informative error is shown when Pannellum is opend from local filesystem instead of a web server Bugfixes: - Fixed zoom out jerkiness in Chrome - Fixed inertia-related jumping - Fixed CSS 3D renderer edge flickering issue - Fixed CSS 3D renderer hot spot display bug - Fixed a number of Safari-related bugs - Fixed bug with autoloaded tours - Fixed bug where hot spot tooltips were sometimes obscured - Fixed CSS 3D renderer fullscreen bug - Fixed `vOffset` bug - Fixed image hot spots bug - Fixed zoom bug related to small multires panoramas Backwards-Incompatible Configuration Parameter Changes: - The sign of hot spot yaw positions has been flipped to match the rest of Pannellum's yaw values - The `tour` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; tour JSON configuration files can be used with the `config` parameter - Undocumented URL configuration parameters can no longer be used - The `header` parameter can no longer be used; use the API instead Other: - Extra row of pixels no longer needed in multires fallback images - Added JSDoc documentation Changes in Pannellum 2.1.1 -------------------------- Bugfixes: - Force subpixel rendering for hot spots Changes in Pannellum 2.1.0 -------------------------- New Features: - Ability to limit pitch, yaw, and hfov extents - Can set starting pitch and yaw in scene linked to by hotspot - Pinch to zoom - Zoom and fullscreen controls can be hidden - "Inertia" - Option to begin auto rotating after a period of user inactivity - Use Photo Sphere XMP metadata for configuration - Preliminary equirectangular video support (no controls) Improvements: - Loading progress bar is displayed for equirectangular panoramas - Error message for image being to large for a device is now much more descriptive - Zoom level choosing for multiresolution panoramas is improved - Documentation of configuration parameters was added - Python 2.7 support for multiresolution tile generator script Bugfixes: - Fix bug where preview images wasn't always loaded for cubic panoramas - Hot spots are now displayed behind controls - Fix bug with multiresolution panoramas when `basePath` isn't defined - Error message displayed for IE 9 Backwards-Incompatible Configuration Parameter Changes: - `voffset` changed to `vOffset` - `autorotate` changed to `autoRotate` - `autoload` changed to `autoLoad` - `autoLoad` value changed from `'yes'` to `true` Other: - Popout mode, for browsers that do not support the fullscreen API, has been removed Changes in Pannellum 2.0.1 -------------------------- Bugfixes: - Fix keyboard controls in Safari Changes in Pannellum 2.0 ------------------------ New Features: - New rendering backend - Multiresolution panoramas - Partial panoramas - Cubic panoramas - CSS 3D fallback renderer for multiresolution panoramas - JSON configuration files - Hot spots and tours - Compass headings Improvements: - More configuration options - New theme - Performance improvements - CORS support Bugfixes: - Numerous Changes in Pannellum 1.2 ------------------------ New Features: - Added keyboard panning controls - Added support for a fallback URL if WebGL is not supported Improvements: - Clarified load button text - Switched from raster to vector icons Bugfixes: - Added workaround for WebKit fullscreen regression