;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
(include "lib/basis.scm")
(include "lib/os.scm")
(datatype big
(:pos (list int))
(:neg (list int))
;; NOTE: multiply and divide algorithms require that
;; the base be half the word size.
;; once everything's working...
(define big/base #x10000000)
(define big/repr-width 7)
;; largest power of ten that fits in a digit.
(define big/decimal-base 1000000000)
(define big/decimal-pad 9)
;; for testing, use hexadecimal digits
;(define big/base #x10)
;(define big/repr-width 1)
;(define big/decimal-base 100)
;(define big/decimal-pad 2)
(define (digits-repr digs)
(let loop ((digs digs) (acc '()))
(match digs with
() -> acc
(hd . tl) -> (loop tl (list:cons (format (zpad big/repr-width (hex hd))) acc))
(define big-repr
(big:zero) -> "B0"
(big:pos digits) -> (format "B+" (join id "." (digits-repr digits)))
(big:neg digits) -> (format "B-" (join id "." (digits-repr digits)))
;; canonicalize the results of a subtraction
;; Note: the list of digits is in MSB form here.
(define remove-zeros
(0 . tl) -> (remove-zeros tl)
x -> x
;; in standard LSB form
(define (canon x)
(reverse (remove-zeros (reverse x))))
;; ---------- addition -----------
(define (digits-add0 a b acc carry?)
(match a b with
() () -> (reverse (if carry? (list:cons 1 acc) acc))
() digs -> (digits-add0 (LIST 0) digs acc carry?)
digs () -> (digits-add0 (LIST 0) digs acc carry?)
(d0 . tl0) (d1 . tl1)
-> (let ((sum (+ d0 d1 (if carry? 1 0))))
(if (>= sum big/base)
(digits-add0 tl0 tl1 (list:cons (- sum big/base) acc) #t)
(digits-add0 tl0 tl1 (list:cons sum acc) #f)))
_ _ -> (error "matching is borken?")
(define (digits-add a b)
(digits-add0 a b '() #f))
;; this will fail if either list is non-canonical
;; (i.e. contains zero padding).
(define (digits-cmp da db)
(let ((na (length da))
(nb (length db)))
(cond ((< na nb) (cmp:<)) ;; aa < bbbb
((> na nb) (cmp:>)) ;; aaaa > bb
(let loop ((da (reverse da))
(db (reverse db)))
;; compare most-significant digit by digit...
(cond ((null? da) (cmp:=))
((< (car da) (car db)) (cmp:<))
((> (car da) (car db)) (cmp:>))
(loop (cdr da) (cdr db)))))))))
(define (digits-<? da db)
(eq? (digits-cmp da db) (cmp:<)))
(define big-add
(big:pos da) (big:pos db) -> (big:pos (digits-add da db))
(big:pos da) (big:neg db) -> (big-sub (big:pos da) (big:pos db))
(big:neg da) (big:neg db) -> (big:neg (digits-add da db))
(big:neg da) (big:pos db) -> (big-sub (big:pos db) (big:pos da))
(big:zero) x -> x
;; why does this not work?
;;x (big:zero) -> x
(big:pos x) (big:zero) -> (big:pos x)
(big:neg x) (big:zero) -> (big:neg x)
;; ---------- subtraction -----------
;; used for borrowing
(define digits-sub1
() -> (raise (:UnderflowError))
(1) -> '()
(0 . tl) -> (list:cons (- big/base 1) (digits-sub1 tl))
(n . tl) -> (list:cons (- n 1) tl)
;; assumes b < a
(define (digits-sub0 a b acc)
(match a b with
() () -> (reverse (remove-zeros acc))
() digs -> (raise (:UnderflowError))
digs () -> (append (reverse acc) digs)
(d0 . tl0) (d1 . tl1)
-> (let ((diff (- d0 d1)))
(if (< diff 0)
(digits-sub0 (digits-sub1 tl0) tl1 (list:cons (+ big/base diff) acc))
(digits-sub0 tl0 tl1 (list:cons diff acc))))
_ _ -> (error "matching is borken?")
(define (digits-sub a b)
(digits-sub0 a b '()))
(define (digits-sub-mag da db)
(match (digits-cmp da db) with
(cmp:>) -> (big:pos (digits-sub da db))
(cmp:<) -> (big:neg (digits-sub db da))
(cmp:=) -> (big:zero)))
(define big-sub
(big:pos da) (big:pos db) -> (digits-sub-mag da db)
(big:pos da) (big:neg db) -> (big-add (big:pos da) (big:pos db))
(big:neg da) (big:neg db) -> (big-negate (big-add (big:pos da) (big:pos db)))
(big:neg da) (big:pos db) -> (big-negate (big-add (big:pos da) (big:pos db)))
(big:zero) x -> (big-negate x)
(big:pos x) (big:zero) -> (big:pos x)
(big:neg x) (big:zero) -> (big:neg x)
;; why does this not work?
;;x (big:zero) -> x
;; ---------- utility -----------
(define big-negate
(big:zero) -> (big:zero)
(big:pos x) -> (big:neg x)
(big:neg x) -> (big:pos x)
(define big-<?
(big:zero) (big:zero) -> #f
(big:zero) (big:pos _) -> #t
(big:zero) (big:neg _) -> #f
(big:pos _) (big:zero) -> #f
(big:neg _) (big:zero) -> #t
(big:pos _) (big:neg _) -> #f
(big:neg _) (big:pos _) -> #t
(big:pos a) (big:pos b) -> (eq? (digits-cmp a b) (cmp:<))
(big:neg a) (big:neg b) -> (eq? (digits-cmp a b) (cmp:>))
;; assumes positive n
(define int->digits
0 acc -> (reverse acc)
n acc -> (int->digits
(/ n big/base)
(list:cons (mod n big/base) acc))
(define (int->big n)
(if (zero? n)
(let ((pos? (>= n 0))
(absn (if pos? n (- 0 n))))
(if pos?
(big:pos (int->digits absn '()))
(big:neg (int->digits absn '()))))))
(define big=
(big:zero) (big:zero) -> #t
(big:zero) _ -> #f
;; again with the borken match
(big:pos _) (big:zero) -> #f
(big:neg _) (big:zero) -> #f
(big:pos _) (big:neg _) -> #f
(big:neg _) (big:pos _) -> #f
(big:pos a) (big:pos b) -> (eq? (digits-cmp a b) (cmp:=))
(big:neg a) (big:neg b) -> (eq? (digits-cmp a b) (cmp:=))
(define (add-zeros digs n)
(append digs (n-of n 0)))
(define (shift digs n)
(append (n-of n 0) digs))
;; ---------- multiplication -----------
(define (karatsuba da db)
;; http://www.keithschwarz.com/interesting/code/karatsuba/Karatsuba.python.html
(define (add a b)
(canon (digits-add a b)))
(define (sub a b)
(canon (digits-sub a b)))
(define (pad-to digs n)
(let ((len (length digs)))
(if (< len n)
(add-zeros digs (- n len))
(define K
() _ -> (LIST 0)
_ () -> (LIST 0)
(a) (b) -> (let ((prod (* a b))
(r1 (/ prod big/base))
(r0 (remainder prod big/base)))
(LIST r0 r1))
a b -> (let ((n (max (length a) (length b)))
(x (pad-to a n))
(y (pad-to b n))
(n0 (/ (+ 1 n) 2))
(n1 (/ n 2))
(x0 (slice x n1 n))
(x1 (slice x 0 n1))
(y0 (slice y n1 n))
(y1 (slice y 0 n1))
(p0 (K x0 y0))
(p1 (K (add x0 x1) (add y0 y1)))
(p2 (K x1 y1))
(z0 p0)
(z1 (sub p1 (add p0 p2)))
(z2 p2)
(z0prod (shift z0 (* 2 n1)))
(z1prod (shift z1 n1))
(z2prod z2)
(add (add z0prod z1prod) z2prod)))
(canon (K da db))
;; multiply by a single digit
(define digits-mul1
() n carry acc -> (reverse (remove-zeros (list:cons carry acc)))
(d0 . tl) n carry acc
-> (let ((next (+ carry (* n d0)))
(quo (/ next big/base))
(rem (remainder next big/base)))
(digits-mul1 tl n quo (list:cons rem acc))))
;; grade-school algorithm
(define (digits-mul-school x y)
(define recur
() n acc -> acc
(y0 . tl) n acc
-> (recur
tl (+ n 1)
(shift (digits-mul1 x y0 0 '()) n)))
(canon (recur y 0 '())))
(define (shift digs n)
(append (n-of n 0) digs))
;; TODO: compute this.
(define digits-mul
() _ -> (LIST 0) ;; these handle internal
_ () -> (LIST 0) ;; results of other algorithms
x (one) -> (digits-mul1 x one 0 '())
(one) x -> (digits-mul1 x one 0 '())
x y -> (let ((lx (length x))
(ly (length y)))
(digits-mul-school x y)
(karatsuba x y)))
(define big-mul
(big:zero) x -> (big:zero)
(big:pos x) (big:zero) -> (big:zero)
(big:neg x) (big:zero) -> (big:zero)
(big:pos da) (big:pos db) -> (big:pos (digits-mul da db))
(big:neg da) (big:neg db) -> (big:pos (digits-mul da db))
(big:pos da) (big:neg db) -> (big:neg (digits-mul da db))
(big:neg da) (big:pos db) -> (big:neg (digits-mul da db))
;; ---------- division -----------
;; Burnikel-Ziegler:
;; http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
;; http://damien-guichard.developpez.com/tutoriels/ocaml/?page=page_6
;; divide by a single digit (grade school algorithm)
;; NOTE: dx in MSB order, output in LSB order
(define (digits-div1 dx n)
;;(printf "div1 " (join int->string " " dx) " n= " (int n ) "\n")
(define div1
() carry acc -> (:tuple (canon acc) (int->digits carry '()))
(d0 . tl) carry acc
-> (let ((v (+ d0 (* carry big/base)))
(q (/ v n))
(r (mod v n))
(x 0)
(div1 tl r (list:cons q acc))))
(div1 dx 0 '())
(define (burnzieg da db)
(let ((la (length da))
(lb (length db)))
(if (<= lb 2)
(let ((b2 (match db with
(b0) -> b0
(b0 b1) -> (+ (* b0 big/base) b1)
_ -> (impossible))))
(digits-div1 da b2))
(let ((n (/ (- lb 1) 2))
(a0 (slice da (- la n) la))
(a1 (slice da 0 (- la n))))
(if (digits-<? (reverse db) (reverse a1))
;; simple case
(let-values (((q1 r1) (burnzieg a1 db))
((q0 r0) (burnzieg
(reverse (digits-add (shift r1 n) (reverse a0)))
(:tuple (digits-add (shift q1 n) q0) r0))
;; remainder check case
(let ((b0 (slice db (- lb n) lb))
(b1 (slice db 0 (- lb n))))
(let-values (((q1 r1) (burnzieg a1 b1)))
(let ((a0pr1 (digits-add (shift r1 n) (reverse a0)))
(b0xq1 (digits-mul (reverse b0) q1)))
(if (not (digits-<? a0pr1 b0xq1))
(:tuple q1
(digits-sub a0pr1 b0xq1))
(:tuple (digits-sub q1 '(1))
(digits-sub (reverse db)
(digits-sub b0xq1 a0pr1)))))
(define (digits->big x pos?)
(let ((x0 (canon x)))
(match x0 pos? with
() _ -> (big:zero)
_ #t -> (big:pos x0)
_ #f -> (big:neg x0))))
(define (digits-div da db pos?)
;; XXX test for zero
(match (burnzieg (reverse da) (reverse db)) with
(:tuple quo rem)
-> (:tuple (digits->big quo pos?) (digits->big rem #t))))
(define big-div
(big:pos _) (big:zero) -> (raise (:ZeroDivisionError))
(big:neg _) (big:zero) -> (raise (:ZeroDivisionError))
(big:zero) x -> (:tuple (big:zero) x)
(big:pos da) (big:pos db) -> (digits-div da db #t)
(big:neg da) (big:neg db) -> (digits-div da db #t)
(big:pos da) (big:neg db) -> (digits-div da db #f)
(big:neg da) (big:pos db) -> (digits-div da db #f)
;; ---------- interface -----------
(define (pair->dec p pad?)
(let ((n (match p with
() -> 0
(a) -> a
(a b) -> (+ (* b big/base) a)
_ -> (impossible))))
(if pad?
(format (zpad big/decimal-pad (int n)))
(format (int n)))))
(define (digits->dec dn)
(let ((parts
(let loop ((dn0 (reverse dn)) (acc '()))
(match (digits-div1 dn0 big/decimal-base) with
(:tuple quo rem)
-> (if (null? quo)
(list:cons (pair->dec rem #f) acc)
(loop (reverse quo)
(list:cons (pair->dec rem #t) acc)))
(format (join id "" parts))))
(define big->dec
(big:zero) -> "0"
(big:pos dn) -> (digits->dec dn)
_ -> (raise (:NotImplementedError))
;; ---------- testing -----------
(defmacro assert
(assert x) -> (if x #u (raise (:AssertError)))
(define (test0)
(assert (string=? (big-repr (big:zero)) "B0"))
(assert (string=? (big-repr (int->big #x314159)) "B+"))
(printf "addition\n")
(assert (string=? "B+" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #x314159) (int->big 1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #x314159) (int->big #x314159)))))
(assert (string=? "B+f.0" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #xef) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+b.e.f.0" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #xbeef) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #xffff) (int->big #x1)))))
(printf "big-<?\n")
(assert (not (big-<? (int->big 0) (int->big 0))))
(assert (big-<? (int->big 0) (int->big 1)))
(assert (not (big-<? (int->big 1) (int->big 0))))
(assert (not (big-<? (int->big 1) (int->big 1))))
(assert (not (big-<? (int->big #x1000) (int->big #x300))))
(assert (eq? #f (big-<? (int->big #x1000) (int->big #x300))))
(assert (eq? #t (big-<? (int->big #x300) (int->big #x1000))))
(printf "digits-sub1\n")
(assert (string=? "15 15 15" (format (join int->string " " (digits-sub1 '(0 0 0 1))))))
;; subtraction
(printf "subtraction\n")
(assert (string=? "B0" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big 1) (int->big 1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+5" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big 10) (int->big 5)))))
(assert (string=? "B+" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x1234) (int->big #x34)))))
(assert (string=? "B+a.a.a.e.e" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #xAAAFF) (int->big #x11)))))
(assert (string=? "B-1.1" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x0) (int->big #x11)))))
(assert (string=? "B+f" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x10) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B-f" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x1) (int->big #x10)))))
(assert (string=? "B+1.1" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x12) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+1.0" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x12) (int->big #x2)))))
(assert (string=? "B+1.0" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x13) (int->big #x3)))))
(assert (string=? "B+1.0" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x11) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+f.f.f.f" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x10000) (int->big #x1)))))
(assert (string=? "B+" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x1001000) (int->big #x1)))))
(printf "subtraction - negative result\n")
(assert (string=? "B-1.0" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x1) (int->big #x11)))))
(assert (string=? "B-" (big-repr (big-sub (int->big #x11) (int->big #x1111)))))
(printf "larger numbers\n")
(assert (string=? "B+d.e.a.d.b.e.f.0" (big-repr (big-add (int->big #xdeadbeef) (int->big 1)))))
;; exhaustive testing of add & sub
(define (exhaustive stop)
(let ((counter 0))
i stop
j stop
(let ((a (int->big (+ i j)))
(b (big-add (int->big i) (int->big j)))
(c (int->big (+ (- 0 i) j)))
(d (big-add (int->big (- 0 i)) (int->big j)))
(e (int->big (- i j)))
(f (big-sub (int->big i) (int->big j)))
(g (int->big (- (- i) j)))
(h (big-sub (int->big (- i)) (int->big j)))
(assert (big= a b))
(assert (big= c d))
(assert (big= e f))
(assert (big= g h))
(set! counter (+ counter 1)))
-> (printf "failed with i=" (int i) " j=" (int j) "\n"
(big-repr a) " = " (big-repr b) "\n"
(big-repr c) " = " (big-repr d) "\n"
(printf (int counter) " tests passed.\n")
(define (big-fact n)
(define recur
1 acc -> acc
n acc -> (recur (- n 1) (big-mul acc (int->big n)))
(recur n (int->big 1))
(define (test1)
(define hex-map
(#\0 0) (#\1 1) (#\2 2) (#\3 3) (#\4 4) (#\5 5) (#\6 6) (#\7 7) (#\8 8) (#\9 9)
(#\a 10) (#\b 11) (#\c 12) (#\d 13) (#\e 14) (#\f 15)
(#\A 10) (#\B 11) (#\C 12) (#\D 13) (#\E 14) (#\F 15)
(define (read-hex-digit ch)
(match (alist/lookup hex-map ch) with
(maybe:no) -> (error "bad hex digit")
(maybe:yes num) -> num))
;; assumes base 16!
(define (hex->big s)
(define recur
() acc -> (big:pos acc)
(hd . tl) acc -> (recur tl (list:cons (read-hex-digit hd) acc)))
(recur (string->list s) '()))
(hex->big "eb2cb7a132097789dc60a2f4f09c56f51afa09c50e80c95d7b39b3e426690093")
(int->big #xc)))
(define (big-pow x n)
(define pow
(big:zero) acc -> acc
(big:neg _) acc -> (raise (:NotImplementedError))
n acc -> (pow (big-sub n (int->big 1)) (big-mul acc x))
(pow n x))
(define (testdiv a b)
(match (big-div a b) with
(:tuple quo rem)
-> (begin
(printf "quo " (big-repr quo) "\n")
(printf "rem " (big-repr rem) "\n")
(define (test2)
(let (((quo rem) (big-div (big-fact 1000) (big-fact 999))))
(assert (big= quo (int->big 1000)))
(assert (big= rem (big:zero)))
;; Note: to use dump/load, you need to link with -no_pie to disable ASLR
(define (pi-digit-emitter)
(let ((n 1))
(printf (lpad 6 (int 0)) ": ")
(define (emit dig)
(when (= 0 (mod n 100))
(callcc (lambda (k) (dump "pi.image" k)))
(printf "\n" (lpad 6 (int n)) ": ")
(set! n (+ n 1))
(printf (big->dec dig))
(define (pi)
(define B1 (int->big 1))
(define B2 (int->big 2))
(define B3 (int->big 3))
(define B* big-mul)
(define B+ big-add)
(define B- big-sub)
(define B/ big-div)
(define IB int->big)
(define emit (pi-digit-emitter))
(define (B/ a b)
(match (big-div a b) with
(:tuple quo rem)
-> quo))
(define (g q r t i)
(let ((i3 (B* i B3))
(u (B* B3 (B* (B+ i3 B1) (B+ B2 i3))))
(y (B/
(B+ (B* q (B- (B* (IB 27) i) (IB 12)))
(B* (IB 5) r))
(B* (IB 5) t)))
(emit y)
(g (B* (IB 10) (B* q (B* i (B- (B* B2 i) B1))))
(B* (IB 10)
(B* u
(B- (B+ (B* q (B- (B* (IB 5) i) B2)) r)
(B* y t))))
(B* t u)
(B+ i B1)
(g B1 (IB 180) (IB 60) B2)
;; 65536 tests
;;(exhaustive #x100)
;; 16777216 tests
;(exhaustive #x1000)
;; these tests require base16 (for big-repr)
;(when (= big/base 16)
; (test0)
; (test1))
;; invoke without an argument to start generating,
;; and with an argument to load it and run it.
(if (> sys.argc 1)
(throw (load "pi.image") 0)