;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
;; this needs to be renamed to 'list.scm'
(datatype list
(:cons 'a (list 'a))
;; null?/cons/car/cdr aren't actually used that much in Irken code,
;; since pattern matching is safer and easier to read.
(define null?
() -> #t
_ -> #f
(define (cons a b)
(list:cons a b))
(define car
() -> (error "car")
(x . _) -> x)
(define cdr
() -> (error "cdr")
(_ . y) -> y)
;; I'm planning on downcasing these two eventually. I was thinking of
;; such macros in C-like terms - i.e., warn the user that they're macros,
;; but it just annoyingly sticks out.
(defmacro LIST
(LIST) -> (list:nil)
(LIST x y ...) -> (list:cons x (LIST y ...)))
(defmacro PUSH
(PUSH l v) -> (set! l (list:cons v l))
(defmacro pop
(pop l) -> (match l with
(list:nil) -> (error "pop")
(list:cons hd tl) -> (begin (set! l tl) hd)))
(defmacro prepend
(prepend l) -> l
(prepend a b ...) -> (list:cons a (prepend b ...)))
;; http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.scheme/msg/0055f311d1e1ce08
(define reverse-onto
() b -> b
(hd . tl) b -> (reverse-onto tl (list:cons hd b)))
(define (reverse l)
(reverse-onto l '()))
(define (append list1 list2)
(reverse-onto (reverse list1) list2))
(define (length l)
(define fun
() acc -> acc
(hd . tl) acc -> (fun tl (+ 1 acc)))
(fun l 0))
(define (first l) (car l))
(define (second l) (car (cdr l)))
(define last
() -> (error "last")
(last) -> last
(_ . tl) -> (last tl))
;; A possible pattern-matching named-let construct?
;; (define (length l)
;; (let loop (0 l)
;; acc () -> acc
;; acc (hd . tl) -> (loop tl (+ 1 acc))))
;; this is different enough from the scheme <member> to warrant
;; the new name.
(define member?
x () = -> #f
x (hd . tl) = -> (if (= hd x) #t (member? x tl =))
;; XXX need to get inlining to work through this
(define member-eq?
x () -> #f
x (hd . tl) -> (if (eq? x hd) #t (member-eq? x tl))
(define remove-eq
x () -> '()
x (hd . tl) -> (if (eq? hd x)
(list:cons hd (remove-eq x tl))))
(defmacro remove-eq!
(remove! item list) -> (set! list (remove-eq item list))
(define nth
() _ -> (error "list index out of range")
(hd . _) 0 -> hd
(_ . tl) n -> (nth tl (- n 1))
(define (index-eq v l)
(let loop ((i 0)
(l l))
(match l with
() -> (error "list index out of range")
(hd . tl) -> (if (eq? hd v)
(loop (+ i 1) tl)))))
;; needed: fancy pythonic slicing with negative index, slop, etc...
(define (slice l start end)
(if (< (- end start) 0)
(let loop ((l l) (i 0) (r '()))
(cond ((< i start) (loop (cdr l) (+ i 1) r))
((< i end) (loop (cdr l) (+ i 1) (list:cons (car l) r)))
(else (reverse r))))))
;; (range 5) => '(0 1 2 3 4)
(define (range n)
(let loop ((n (- n 1))
(l (list:nil)))
(if (< n 0)
(loop (- n 1) (cons n l)))))
(define (n-of n x)
(let loop ((n n)
(l (list:nil)))
(if (<= n 0)
(loop (- n 1) (cons x l)))))
(define map
p () -> '()
p (hd . tl) -> (list:cons (p hd) (map p tl)))
;; could we use a macro to define nary map?
(define map2
p () () -> '()
p (hd0 . tl0) (hd1 . tl1) -> (list:cons (p hd0 hd1) (map2 p tl0 tl1))
p _ _ -> (error "map2: unequal-length lists")
(defmacro map-range
(map-range vname num body ...)
-> (let (($n num))
(let $loop ((vname 0)
($acc (list:nil)))
(if (= vname $n)
(reverse $acc)
($loop (+ vname 1) (list:cons (begin body ...) $acc))))))
(define filter
p () -> '()
p (hd . tl) -> (if (p hd)
(list:cons hd (filter p tl))
(filter p tl)))
;; it's a shame that for-each puts the procedure first,
;; definitely hurts readability when using a lambda.
(define for-each
p () -> #u
p (hd . tl) -> (begin (p hd) (for-each p tl)))
(define for-each2
p () () -> #u
p (h0 . t0) (h1 . t1) -> (begin (p h0 h1) (for-each2 p t0 t1))
p _ _ -> (error "for-each2: unequal-length lists")
(define fold
p acc () -> acc
p acc (hd . tl) -> (fold p (p hd acc) tl)
(define foldr
p acc () -> acc
p acc (hd . tl) -> (p hd (foldr p acc tl))
(define some?
p () -> #f
p (hd . tl) -> (if (p hd) #t (some? p tl)))
(define every?
p () -> #t
p (hd . tl) -> (if (p hd) (every? p tl) #f))
(define every2?
p () () -> #t
p (h0 . t0) (h1 . t1) -> (if (p h0 h1) (every2? p t0 t1) #f)
p _ _ -> (error "every2?: unequal-length lists")
;; print a list with <proc>, and print <sep> between each item.
(define print-sep
proc sep () -> #u
proc sep (one) -> (proc one)
proc sep (hd . tl) -> (begin (proc hd) (print-string sep) (print-sep proc sep tl)))
;; collect lists of duplicate runs
;; http://www.christiankissig.de/cms/files/ocaml99/problem09.ml
(define (pack l =)
(define (pack2 l s e)
(match l with
() -> (LIST s)
(h . t) -> (if (= h e)
(pack2 t (list:cons h s) e)
(list:cons s (pack2 t (LIST h) h)))))
(match l with
() -> '()
(h . t) -> (pack2 t (LIST h) h)))
(define (vector->list v)
(let loop ((n (- (vector-length v) 1)) (acc (list:nil)))
(if (< n 0)
(loop (- n 1) (list:cons v[n] acc)))))
(define (list->vector l)
(define recur
v _ () -> v
v n (x . y) -> (begin (set! v[n] x) (recur v (+ n 1) y)))
(match l with
() -> #() ;; special-case test for empty list
(x . _) -> (let ((n (length l))
(v (%make-vector n x)))
(recur v 0 l))))
;; using %vec16-set because the type system keeps <recur>
;; generic, thus skipping the vec16 detection. gotta figure this out.
(define (list->vec16 l)
(define recur
v _ () -> v
v n (x . y) -> (begin (%vec16-set v n x) (recur v (+ n 1) y)))
(match l with
() -> #() ;; special-case test for empty list
(_ . _) -> (let ((n (length l))
(v (%make-vec16 n)))
(recur v 0 l))))
;; http://www.codecodex.com/wiki/Merge_sort#OCaml
(define (sort < l)
(define (merge la lb)
(let loop ((la la) (lb lb))
(match la lb with
() lb -> lb
la () -> la
(ha . ta) (hb . tb)
-> (if (< ha hb)
(list:cons ha (loop ta (list:cons hb tb)))
(list:cons hb (loop (list:cons ha ta) tb))
(define (halve l)
(match l with
() -> (:pair l '())
(x) -> (:pair l '())
(hd . tl)
-> (match (halve tl) with
(:pair t0 t1) -> (:pair (list:cons hd t1) t0))))
(define (merge-sort l)
(match l with
() -> l
(x) -> l
list -> (match (halve l) with
(:pair l0 l1) -> (merge (merge-sort l0) (merge-sort l1)))))
(merge-sort l)