;; -*- Mode: Irken -*-
(include "self/lisp_reader.scm")
;; --- s-expression input ---
(define (find-and-read-file path)
(raise (:NoIncludeFiles))
(define (file/read-line file)
(let loop ((ch (file/read-char file))
(r '()))
(if (eq? ch #\newline)
(list->string (reverse r))
(loop (file/read-char file) (list:cons ch r)))))
(define (ask prompt file)
(printf prompt) (flush)
(file/read-line file))
;; --- universal datatype ---
;; this datatype covers all the types known by the interpreter.
(datatype univ
(:int int)
(:char char)
(:string string)
(:bool bool)
(:symbol symbol)
(:list (list univ))
(:function (list symbol) sexp)
;; how to print out a universal value
(define univ-repr
(univ:int n) -> (format (int n))
(univ:char n) -> (format (char n))
(univ:string s) -> (format (string s))
(univ:bool b) -> (format (bool b))
(univ:symbol s) -> (format (sym s))
(univ:undef) -> "#u"
(univ:list subs)
-> (format "(" (join univ-repr " " subs) ")")
(univ:function rands body)
-> (format "<function (" (join symbol->string " " rands) ") " (repr body) ">")
;; lexical environment.
;; a 'rib' consists of a set of variable bindings.
;; when a function is called, the arguments are evaluated
;; and bound to their formal variable names in a new rib,
;; which is pushed onto the environment for that call.
;; the keys are symbols, the values are a record type containing a single
;; field named 'val', of type 'univ'.
;; the values must be placed in some kind of mutable storage, for set! to work.
(datatype env
(:rib (alist symbol {val=univ}) env)
(define (repl-error what)
(printf "error: " what "\n")
(define namespace (env:empty))
(define (get-cell name env)
(match env with
-> (maybe:no)
(env:rib rib next)
-> (match (alist/lookup rib name) with
(maybe:no) -> (get-cell name next)
(maybe:yes cell) -> (maybe:yes cell)
(define (varref name env)
(match (get-cell name env) with
(maybe:no) -> (repl-error (format "undefined variable: " (sym name)))
(maybe:yes {val=val}) -> val
(define (varset name val env)
(match (get-cell name env) with
(maybe:no) ;; not defined, create a top-level entry
-> (let ((cell {val=val}))
(match namespace with
-> (set! namespace (env:rib (alist:entry name cell (alist:nil)) (env:empty)))
(env:rib rib next)
-> (set! namespace (env:rib (alist:entry name cell rib) next))
(maybe:yes cell)
-> (set! cell.val val)
;; evaluate a primitive operator (one starting with '%')
(define eval-prim
'%+ (arg0 arg1) env
-> (let ((a (eval arg0 env))
(b (eval arg1 env)))
(match a b with
(univ:int a) (univ:int b) -> (univ:int (+ a b))
_ _ -> (repl-error (format "bad args: " (univ-repr a) " " (univ-repr b)))
prim _ _
-> (repl-error (format "unknown prim: " (sym prim)))
(define (make-function rands body)
(let ((formals '()))
(for-list rand rands
(match rand with
(sexp:symbol name)
-> (begin (PUSH formals name) (univ:undef))
_ -> (repl-error (format "bad formals: " (repr (sexp:list rands))))
(univ:function (reverse formals) body)
;; build an environment rib for these formals
;; and operands, ready to be pushed onto the lexical
;; environment.
(define (eval-args fun formals rands env)
(let loop ((formals formals)
(rands rands)
(rib (alist:nil)))
(match formals rands with
(name . formals) (arg . rands)
-> (loop formals rands (alist:entry name {val=(eval arg env)} rib))
() ()
-> (maybe:yes rib)
_ _
-> (maybe:no)
(define (eval-apply rator rands env)
(match (eval rator env) with
(univ:function formals body)
-> (match (eval-args rator formals rands env) with
(maybe:no) -> (repl-error (format "wrong number of arguments to function " (repr rator)))
(maybe:yes new-rib)
-> (eval body (env:rib new-rib env))
op -> (repl-error (format "operator is not a function: " (univ-repr op)))
;; top-level eval function
(define (eval exp env)
(match exp with
;; self-evaluating expressions
(sexp:int n) -> (univ:int n)
(sexp:char ch) -> (univ:char ch)
(sexp:string s) -> (univ:string s)
(sexp:bool b) -> (univ:bool b)
(sexp:undef) -> (univ:undef)
;; variable lookup
(sexp:symbol s) -> (varref s env)
;; variable assignment
(sexp:list ((sexp:symbol 'set!) (sexp:symbol name) val))
-> (varset name (eval val env) env)
;; lambda
(sexp:list ((sexp:symbol 'lambda) (sexp:list formals) body))
-> (make-function formals body)
;; application
(sexp:list (rator . rands))
-> (match rator with
(sexp:symbol name)
-> (if (starts-with (symbol->string name) "%")
(eval-prim name rands env)
(eval-apply rator rands env))
_ -> (eval-apply rator rands env))
;; anything else...
exp -> (repl-error (format "bad/unknown expression: " (repr exp)))
(define (setup-initial-environment)
(varset 'x (univ:int 34) namespace)
(define (read-eval-print-loop stdin)
(let loop ((line (ask "> " stdin)))
(match (string-length line) with
0 -> #u
_ -> (begin
;;(printf "line = '" line "'\n")
(for-list exp (read-string line)
(printf (univ-repr (eval exp namespace)) "\n"))
(loop (ask "> " stdin)))
(read-eval-print-loop (file/open-stdin))